Category Archives: POPULAR INTEREST

Eleven Verses on the Value of Snakes

by Elsa Johnson

Each year   her shed skin                   draped the rafters   of the barn
tissue of small scales        over-lapping         fragile              strange
in the hands                                        mottled discard of milk snake


In my dream          they came from the northwest            diagonally
past the corner of the house   :   solid fabric of snake                  red
and black            striped             side by side                    undulating
packed tight                        roiling                             around my feet

Photo by Heather Risher

Horses grazed at pasture         In the cropped grass          blue black
racer                slimness          slipping by           We  —  bare legged
clutch of summer   —    whooping !    keeping-up        down the hill
down to the swamp where        anticlimactically             he was lost


Coiled         lying by the track to the backfields                 crops left
woods right        —        black snake                           thick as a girl’s
arm          as imagination         long               I jumped  each time he
broke for the woods               across the track                      the thrill
undiminished                  when I startled him              he startled me

Photo by Annika Peloski

Raspberry canes     growing high    twined    among the branches of
the small tree    fruit above eye level              me     reaching for red
jewel of sweetness       grasping        instead      small head of snake
eyes open wide       mouth to the berry           not expecting    hands
when I startled it           it startled me                  no one ate the fruit


The trapped water    seeped from the quarry walls         along edges
lay           water snakes            somnolent seeming                 hidden
but       ready to slide water-ward        or bite                edgy reptiles
thick as a girl’s arm                          silent     as mental       ululation


Hoop snakes were real    the old timer said    in her youth   she saw
them     down    in the fields   by the swamp     where    if they were
startled      they put their tails     in their  mouths     and rolled away


That summer    when I was fourteen         I went to a camp    where
one child       not me     sat on a rattlesnake                                   he
startled it                                                                                    It bit

Photo by Gretchen Henninger

In the deep woods   one fall              my adult life   falling about me
like leaves       like the thick leaves underfoot                 stepping on
what’s that !                  …..she    slow from the cold     the torpor of
cold    dark    mottled leaves                a bit small   dark perhaps for
copperhead      thick      not slim like racer           not like milksnake
Too cold to bite          to slow to startle     —     (much)     —     adieu


I live in the city now   I do not see snakes       except    occasionally
a dead one     lying flat      drying        on hot asphalt       in the park
squashed by a bike tire       by someone        too slow to swerve   or
perhaps not seeing    value    in snakes      perhaps enjoying       that


This summer        working out in the country         that isn’t country
that is      lawns        mower hungry         circling             big houses
I     at peace     planting       focused on flowers               stepped on
something writhing     round under foot               It is she  — ancient
Goddess of Startle     blooming      her sleek skin bright       not like
I saw it              left              discard            draped           in the barn

Photo by Heather Risher

Consider the Food Web

by Heather Risher

Doug Tallamy recently spoke as part of the Conservancy for the Cuyahoga Valley National Park’s Lyceum series. His talk was titled, “Restoring Nature’s Relationships at Home,” but really he focused on the food web, particularly the importance of insects.

Photo by Tom Gibson

Gardenopolis readers know the importance of planting native species, but Dr. Tallamy focused on a large and diverse group of animals we rarely consider: insects. We talk about planting native species to provide food and habitat for birds, but we don’t necessarily think about what birds eat other than fruit and seeds.

While birds appreciate the seeds, suet, fruit, and sugar water we provide, much of their diet consists of insects, particularly caterpillars that feed their young. According to Tallamy, 96% of terrestrial birds depend on insects. Mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and other invertebrates eat insects, too. We landscape for birds when we should be landscaping for insects.

Photo by Tom Gibson

Insects are fundamental to animal life. Everyone depends on insects, from other invertebrates up through humans. Yet the abundance of invertebrates has declined 45% globally since 1971. A large part of the problem is the preponderance of non-native species in our gardens and public spaces. Insects have had millenia to adapt to (specialize on) native species, yet merely a few hundred years to adapt to species introduced to the area. Non-native species don’t support many insects: novel ecosystems don’t have evolutionary history.

Photo by Tom Gibson

Dr. Tallamy and his students studied insect diversity on native species vs non-natives, and the results were alarming given birds’ reliance on caterpillars. An oak tree might host 400-500 species of caterpillars. An ash tree can host nearly 100 different ash specialists. A Bradford pear provides a home to only a few individuals. Take a look around your home, and it’s likely that you can see at least one Bradford pear. They’re everywhere!

A recent visit to the Cleveland Botanical Garden supported his claim: I saw very few insects throughout much of the garden. The Virginia Bluebells? Covered in bees! I witnessed a bumblebee mating flight near one patch.

Many people panic when they see caterpillars on their trees and shrubs. Dr. Tallamy suggested a 10-step program: Take 10 steps backwards and your “bug problem” will disappear. He reminded the audience that leaves should have some holes, otherwise the plant isn’t supplying energy to the ecosystem.

I strongly encourage readers to peruse Dr. Tallamy’s site, or perhaps this interview. He reminds us of the importance of contributing to our local ecosystem rather than harming it.

Photo by Tom Gibson

Think of your property, your little piece of the world, as being part of your local ecosystem. The way you landscape your property — the plant choices you make and the amount of lawn you maintain — will determine whether your property is enhancing your local ecosystem or destroying it. As Roy Dennis says, “Land ownership is more than a privilege, it’s a responsibility.”

The Audubon Society and the National Wildlife Federation both have search engines to help people find plants native to their area. Landscape for insects as well as birds!

What might you not know about butterflies?

by Elsa Johnson

How about that the majority of butterflies found in Ohio hibernate here – and you can help them (and other insects).

How? By building a butterfly log cabin (I know, I know – it sounds like a special syrup to put on pancakes, but it’s not). By doing so you provide a place for non-migrating butterflies to hibernate, either as chrysalis, as an adult butterfly, or as caterpillars.

Here’s how (directions taken from – for more detail visit this site):

You will need logs. About 2 feet in length; anchoring wood posts for the sides – and some way to drive them into the ground; and some sort of waterproof covering or tarp, one for the bottom and one for the top.  

  • Choose a sheltered location – on the southeast side of an evergreen, for example. Almost every yard has some sort of out-of-the-way spot where this could be done.
  • Start by placing one piece of tarp on the ground. Then place 2 long 4 foot logs sections in one direction on top of the tarp – these 2 logs sections will keep the rest of the structure off the ground and insure air circulation
  • Next, place a layer of logs going in the opposite direction. Then add third layer of logs going in the opposite direction to the second layer. After driving your supporting side stakes into the ground, continues building layers in opposite directions until you have a ‘log cabin’ about 3 feet high.
  • Place a tarp on top and anchor it down with a few more logs. The tarp keeps the crevices dry.

Here are some of the butterflies that overwinter as chrysalises: Tiger swallowtail, Eastern black swallowtail, Spring azure, Pipevine swallowtail, Spicebush swallowtail, Zebra swallowtail, Silver spotted skipper, and Giant Swallowtail.

As adult butterflies: Mourning cloak, American painted lady, Tortoise shell, Eastern comma, and Question mark butterfly.

And, as caterpillars: Giant spangled fritillary, Wood nymph, Easter tailed blue, Pearl crescent, Viceroy. Silver checkerspot, Red spotted purple, American copper, and Orange sulphur.

Longue Vue in New Orleans

by Lois Rose

Visiting my hometown New Orleans in March, I was impressed with the height of the Mississippi River at full tilt, and by a wonderful garden called Longue Vue.

Longue Vue Gardens, New Orleans

The house and gardens were the property of local philanthropists, Edith Rosenwald Stern and Edgar Bloom Stern. William and Geoffrey Platt were the architects working with Ellen Biddle Shipman creating the last Country Place Era estate built in America.

Longue Vue operates as an historic house museum and garden open to the public year round. It describes its mission, inspired by “our humanitarian and artistic legacy”, to be a leader in advancing innovative thought, creative expression and life-long learning.

When we arrived there was a serious Easter egg hunt on the grounds.

Sixteen garden “spaces” lie around the lovely house and surrounding eight acres off a short street and a pine drive (1942) next to one of the canals that flooded during Hurricane Katrina in 2005. When the garden was heavily damaged by the contaminated flood waters that remained for weeks, gardeners from around the world flocked to the site over the next years and helped to rebuild the garden and restore it to its former glory.

I saw Longue Vue soon after Katrina and twice since then.

I am including some photos from my previous trips for perspective on its evolution.

Large mature live oak trees flank the main path leading to the forecourt and the house from the parking area.

Moving to the left of the house from the ticket area you pass through an azalea walk, mostly gone by on this trip.

Next is the small pan garden with a sculpture and a fountain and seating area up against the house.

As you move around this side of the house you can see over a small lawn to the New Orleans Country Club golf course with huge oak trees, sand traps and of course golfers.

The main framework of the garden extends from the imposing double outdoor staircase on the right side of the house.

A charming yellow garden can be found off of the portico terrace in front of the staircase.

The large lawn defines the Spanish court and is flanked by decorative brick walls with insets of fountains and plantings in borders and containers.

Looking through openings in the brick wall you again become aware of the golf course, but it is cleverly obscured.

At the farthest end of the lawn from the house one of five structures in the garden blocks the view of a long sunken water rill at the center of the canal garden with a fountain.

A total of twenty four fountains and ponds appear as you walk around the grounds. A pair of ducks seemed at home in a secluded small “goldfish” pond to the left.

Going through an opening to the right reveals a walled garden room with a variety of iris at the center sunken several levels below the outer path.

Interesting fruit trees and flowering shrubs are featured throughout. Moving out from the walled room an iris walk leads to a wild garden and eventually to another water feature and a pigeonnier.

A children’s discovery garden has some unusual and innovative features including a bamboo tunneled entrance.  Sweet olive, a very fragrant shrub which was in full bloom provided a wonderful curtain of perfume as we sat under its branches.

The 22,000 square foot house contains decorative arts from the 17th-20th centuries, English and American furniture, ceramics and mid-twentieth century op and kinetic art.

The garden alone though is worth a visit.

The Soil of Cleveland

by Rita J. Lucas

In a not so secluded section of the city lies an urban sanctuary maintained and nurtured by Rid-All Green Partnership. Rid-All, which stands for redemption, integrity, and determination for all mankind, is a dream come true for “soil brothers” Damien Forshe, Keymah Durden, and Randy McShepard. These three men, along with the talent and expertise of Dave “Dr. Greenhand” Hester (a 50-year vet in the agriculture industry), are the blood, sweat, and heartbeat of this green initiative, that is empowering the community. Their dedication and hard work has made Rid-All a success story worth sharing.

Rid-All’s mission, in a nutshell is to transform communities, one city at a time. “We are promoting peace, harmony, and solutions to people in the community, by people in the community” says co-founder Marc White also known as “The Urban Farm Doctor”. You can find him at the farm teaching and blending up something that’s good for the body and spirit – “inside-out beautification”, as he calls it.

All-natural drinks aren’t the only good-for-you products you can get at Rid-All Farm. Through Groupon, Amazon, or a quick visit to the farm, customers can purchase produce and tilapia; and you can be certain it’s all good for you. The produce which is grown in the best soil possible is picked at the time of purchase to keep its freshness and so the customer can get the maximum nutritional benefit. The tilapia which take about four to five months to mature are fed plant-based pellets and live in environments that reflect their natural habitat. In the symbiotic relationship between the plants and fish, the plants provide nutrients to the fish which in turn provide nutrients back to the plants.

Rid-All has several hoop houses: greenhouse #1 which serves as an office space and vendor space for special events such as weddings (the man-made treehouse was used for such an occasion); greenhouse #2 which is used for classroom teaching and lab training, aquaponics and a greeting station; the high-tunnel hoop house where winter crops such as kale, sorrel, garlic, and spring onions grow; the gothic “cathedral” hoop house where swiss chard, lettuce, and beets grow; the double gothic hoop house which is used for special events, training, and growing herbs, spices and flowering plants; and finally an additional hoop house where other super greens are grown.


Mike Parker, Rid-All’s Compost Manager, dedicates his time and energy to the Rid-All Project because it keeps him motivated, knowing that he is helping to heal [his] people. Parker, who grew up helping in his family garden, has traveled the world but always found his way back home to Cleveland. He believes that what Rid-All has done so far is a “cultural renaissance” and that “if you eat right, you will think right, and [then] you will do right.” These are the goals and desires of the soil brothers, for their community: to create a self-sustaining community, to see exponential growth, to promote community development economically and emotionally, and to show people another way of life through health and wellness.

For the beneficiaries of the shared knowledge that the Rid-All instructors provide, attending the Rid-All Training Program is “an opportunity to start your business, become your own boss, and learn [independence]”, says Hassan, a young man who was introduced to Rid-All and the program by his grandfather. Hassan is a student of the 5-month program that is offered to adults and youth. However, Rid-All has a 12-week program specifically for youth (ages 14-17) where they can learn the fundamentals of eating healthy, harvesting, and growing their own food. Through the program, the youth are equipped to start and assist with community gardens in their respective areas, says Dr. Greenhand who personally visits local schools to give classroom presentations.

Leah, a Rid-All Training Program participant describes the Rid-All farm as a “magical place” that takes a different approach to agriculture; Rid-All is all about “returning the soil to its original state” which is evident in its composting efforts. Rid-All has several large compost bins on site where the soil is made (combining a variation of natural ingredients) and sits for two to three months before it is ready to be sold or used in the farm. For sustainable and healthy produce, the solution is undoubtedly in the soil.

Rid-All Green Partnership is indeed a gem in the city of Cleveland, changing the lives of everyone who experiences the spirit of the farm. In addition to training programs, Rid-All sponsors workshops, Soul Vegan Saturdays, and community events such as the most recent MLK Community Awareness Day. To learn more about Rid-All visit their website at

Growing Small Fruit in Your Own Garden: Part 2

by Lois Rose

Figs:  you say, what?  These trees are mentioned in the Bible and grow abundantly in the Mediterranean area.

Yes, I grow figs in the ground, in Cleveland Heights, have for about twenty years. Before that I followed the local wisdom that they had to be brought indoors in large barrels each winter or they would not survive. I got tired of transporting them and getting almost nothing from the tree.  So, I took a risk and planted it in the ground. And lo and behold, it grew and grew and produced a ton of fruit. That tree got so big that I had to move it, thereby gaining many small fig trees in the process.  I have since accumulated about five different kinds of fig trees, all of which have their own personalities.

brown turkey, probably

Before the terrible polar vortex winters of 13-14 and 14- 15, I had been harvesting hundreds of figs every year—perhaps five hundred in the summer of 2013.  I gave many away, made preserves, ate them every morning for breakfast, had a snack in the afternoon—you get the point. But that first winter knocked them down to the ground.  They have been recovering ever since.

My figs get a special treatment in the late fall, around November, when all of the leaves fall off. The fruit remaining on the trees is removed. They are tied into bunches with heavy cord, then wrapped in large tarps (using grommets can be helpful), then bent to the ground and weighted with heavy lawn furniture or big stones and slabs. When very young and pliable, for example after the years they were killed to the roots, the new stems and branches could easily be bent down. Some people cut off the roots on one side and bend the trees into a prepared ditch on the other side. In Brooklyn it was traditional to build a cage around the fig tree, wrap it up and stuff the cage with leaves, and cover the top with tar paper. I have my own method which works most years—but not in those two terrible winters. We then had two very mild winters and the figs grew very nicely, producing about thirty fruit the first summer and last summer about 150.  This winter was of course another bad one, and it is still coming. I never open my figs up until the weather is totally settled—in May usually. If you take them out too soon, even if they have small leaves already, the leaves could be killed by a late frost or freeze so I wait.

Some fig trees produce an early crop, called a breba crop, which can ripen in early summer.  But the big crop for all of mine starts with tiny figs in the middle of the summer—last year a full month ahead of itself because of the very warm spring. By September, and into October, some fruit ripens every day. You are fighting other creatures for the figs of course—squirrels, birds, ants. Ants are perhaps the most insidious.  You must wash them away with a strong stream of water or soak your figs in a pan of water to disgorge them.  Even with the attrition, it is very gratifying to walk into the yard and find figs here and there hidden in the foliage, drooping over from their stems when they are ripe and ready for picking.

I have a white fig (Bianca), Chicago Hardy and Brown Turkey and two unidentified types. They are fairly easy to find from local nurseries.  If you do not take the time and energy to cover them over the winter, however, you start from scratch each spring with nothing there except the roots. Some people do not mind doing this—that is, nothing. But they do not get a big crop needless to say.

Medlars: Most people do not know about this tree.  Shakespeare wrote about the fruit in several of his plays—it has been around a long time, cultivated since Roman times.  The fruit looks like a small brownish apple or pear, but the calyx end has a peculiar quality—in Shakespeare’s time it was referred to as a “dog’s ass”.  (See Romeo and Juliet.)

The other peculiar thing about it is that it is not eaten from the tree when ripe because it will not ripen there. You must remove it before hard frost and place it in a cool and dark place, on sand or newspaper, protected from mice, for a few weeks while it blets, or ripens.  When it is soft to the touch it can be eaten or made into jelly.  It is something like a spicy applesauce in taste.

The tree itself is quite charming, with very large leaves and beautiful white flowers in the early summer.

It has gorgeous fall colors—reds, oranges, yellows-and grows slowly.  Plant your medlar in well drained, fertile soil in a somewhat sheltered location in sun.  They do not seem to be attractive to insects or diseases. My first and oldest tree was unfortunately deer rubbed early in its life, and then a few years ago when we had a November ice storm, it was severely damaged because the leaves were still there.  Pruning in late winter, as you would a pear or apple tree, helps maintain a good shape, and encourages flowering. My three trees are all grafted.  (Mespilus germanica can be ordered from several good nurseries on the West Coast, like One Green World and Raintree.)

I hope I have not intimidated you with too much information.  Try a little small fruit in your garden—perhaps you will get hooked as I have been.

Growing Small Fruit in Your Own Garden: Part 1

by Lois Rose

Do not be alarmed.  This is not going to be a technical and challenging article giving you too much information about how to grow your own fruiting plants at home. 

I am going to attempt to tickle your interest in the subject and provide you with enough information to get you started on your own. 

Some personal history:  I happened to live for seven years in an old house on Bluestone Road near what used to be the quarry on Belvoir. Our honeymoon tiny house—650 square feet—had belonged to the parents of the quarry master and they had planted a lot of old fashioned fruit and flowers.  The red currants formed a short hedge and were pretty much neglected to the point of never producing anything. I became interested in them and gradually coaxed them into production.  When we moved from our little sanctuary into a larger property, I immediately wanted to plant currants, and raspberries.  And figs. And then I added medlars and kiwis.

So, I will share with you some of what I have learned over the past 50 years of growing. 

Currants:  I grow four kinds of currants—red, black, pink and white.  Red, pink and white are self-fertile.  Red is the most commonly found, from which red currant jelly is made.  Black currants are made into jelly but more importantly, in France, they become crème de cassis, a liqueur which was made popular near Dijon where the story goes that they had too many of the fruit and someone—the mayor? —devised a special drink called Kir—crème de cassis with white wine—and Kir Royale—crème de cassis with Champagne.

Making crème de cassis is one of the great pleasures and challenges of growing black currants. But that is for another day. (Jane Grigson’s Fruit book has a terrific recipe.)

Red currants (Ribes sativum) are easy to find at nurseries and come in many varieties.  Black currants (Ribes nigrum) are more difficult to find and there is an added bugaboo—you cannot grow certain varieties in Ohio because the plant can carry the White Pine Blister Rust which can cause havoc if you are near a stand of White Pine. So, the state regulates what varieties can be brought in. 

Personal History note: A Russian friend came for dinner in 1989 and after dinner we walked around the yard and he saw that I had red currants but not black ones.  Why not he asked?  I explained the difficulty of getting them in Ohio.  He strongly advised me to try to find some that could be imported. I tried for a while and eventually found some that I was allowed to grow. Since then many other varieties that are resistant to the Rust have been put on the ok list and I grow quite a few of them. They are all far superior to the original plants that I planted in the 90’s. More about that later.

A brief note about pruning currants.  Black currants need to be pruned in a very specific way, removing the fruited branches down to the base or to a side shoot which will take over as the new fruiting branch in the next season. I have a developed a system for doing this which is not usually listed but nevertheless I have used it for years.  I cut the branch of the currant that is full of fruit down to a lower side shoot, then put the fruit laden branch aside until I have cut back all of the fruited branches on that bush. Then I remove the fruit from all of the cut branches rather than picking it off of the bush. I do not know if this is an entirely kosher method but I love it.

Red currants are pruned in a different way. The oldest canes should be removed after about three years, and weak and damaged wood can be removed as well. A mature shrub can have 9 to 12 canes. Fruit is produced on one, two and three-year-old wood so keeping some of each makes sense.

Site selection is a first step for growing all small fruit.  Full sunlight is really best but partial shade can be tolerated by most.  Well drained, moderately fertile soil is preferable.  Good air circulation helps foliage dry faster, but too much wind is not an advantage. Avoiding the area where previously diseased plants grew is imperative.

Small fruits need a pH range of 5.5 to 7.5 except for blueberries which need much more acidic pH.  (pH is a measure of acidity. Each number represents a ten-fold increase over the previous number—so 6 is ten times more acidic than 7.) A soil test will tell you pH values and help you to decide on amendments to bring the soil to the required level. (The University of Massachusetts soil test lab is a good site.)

Organic materials such as compost are helpful in improving the soil before planting.

Your fruit will need a water source, convenient and easy to use. Sprinklers, drip irrigation or soaker hoses are all possible water providers.

Raspberries are brambles, in the plant genus Rubus. 

They have perennial roots and crowns, but their canes (branches) live for two summers only. 

Most bear in the summer.  In the first year, a new cane (primocane) grows leaves and enlarges its stem. It develops a brownish bark and becomes dormant over the winter. In its second season it is called a floricane which produces flowers and fruit in early or mid-summer and then dies. New canes are produced each year for continual fruit production.  They are self-fertile, best pollinated by bees.

Numerous new canes develop from the base of the floricanes of red and yellow raspberries and from buds on the roots which become underground stems.  These stems can spread in any direction and must be pruned to be kept in check.

Black and most purple raspberries produce primocanes only from buds at the base of the floricanes. They live in clumps or “hills” in the original location.

Everbearing red raspberries, called “fall bearing” or “primocane fruiting”, can produce flowers during the first year beginning in late May or early June.  The fruit is produced at the tips of the primocanes. In the second year they may have a summer crop on the lower part of the same canes. Pruning can determine whether there will be a summer crop and a fall crop or just a fall crop. I cut my canes down in late winter and get a fall crop only.

I grow summer bearing raspberries, red and purple, as well. Their floricanes which have already fruited are pruned in the fall.  Remove all of the pruned canes from the area to prevent disease or insect issues.

Purchase disease -free plants from a good nursery. Do not dig them from a neighbor or friend. Once a virus gets to your berry plants they are doomed.

Gardenopolis Events

Next week brings two events that might be of interest to Gardenopolis readers.

On Saturday, April 14 at 10 am at The Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Jim Bissell will share “Seed Banking Stories from the Museum Herbarium” with the Kirtlandia Society. Coffee and Conversation begins at 9:30 am. All are welcome, and admission is free.

Our own Elsa Johnson is the featured reader at Art on Madison for the POETRY + reading series on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 at 7:30 pm. The aim of this reading series is to shine the spotlight on a single writer, providing them with the platform and time necessary to present a body of work and to connect with their audience. The doors open at 7:00 pm. POETRY + is free and open to the public.

Pocket Gardens Planned for Noble Neighborhood

by Tom Gibson

Originally published in the Heights Observer.

Can concentrations of pocket gardens help rejuvenate neighborhoods? That’s the question a coalition of Cleveland Heights partners is trying to answer. They are working with neighbors on Langton Road, just off Quilliams Road in the Noble neighborhood, to install 10 pocket gardens this spring. The gardens will consist of either native perennials or a tree surrounded by Russian comfrey and other plants that suppress weeds and provide extra fertility.

“We want to provide sustainable beauty,” said Barbara Sosnowski, who heads the beautification committee of Noble Neighbors, a local activist group. “That means that any garden we plant should look as attractive after four years as it does after one.”

Sandy Thompson, Mani Pierce and Tom Gibson plant a plum tree in the Oxford Community Garden. [photo by Barbara Morgan]
If the effort succeeds, the group intends to take the Langton Road model and apply it elsewhere in the neighborhood. “The exciting thing about this project,” Sosnowski added, “is that it is intended to be scalable. If we succeed with 10 private residences, we can succeed with 50, and so on.”

Noble Neighbors’ partners in the effort include the Home Repair Resource Center (HRRC), Cleveland Heights High School, Rust Belt Riders and Green Paradigm Partners. HRRC will provide classroom space and instruction for the Langton Road neighbors, high school students will provide paid help with construction of the garden plots, Rust Belt Riders will provide specialized compost, and Green Paradigm Partners will provide landscape design and community organizing help. Funding will come from grants and crowd funding via IOBY Cleveland. Look for the Noble Neighborhood pocket garden project at

To address the problem of long-term maintenance, the group has devised a three-pronged plan. At the horticultural level, the group has selected plants that grow well in Northeast Ohio. It will test soils for mineral deficiencies that attract noxious, high-maintenance weeds, such as bindweed, and then add mineral amendments to correct those deficiencies. Compost with high fungal content, which reduces the need for watering during droughts, will be applied.

At the immediate neighborhood level, the beautification group is asking homeowners to take a two-session course at HRRC on plant selection and care. The intention is to bring immediate neighbors together on a common project and create a greater sense of neighborhood spirit and purpose.

At the broader neighborhood level, the support and participation of Noble Neighbors and Heights High, among others, is intended to raise the project’s community profile and foster its success. “We are employing a number of approaches to community revitalization,” said Brenda May, a leader of Noble Neighbors. “We see this project as one way to make pocket gardens a signature of the neighborhood, thereby enhancing both local identity and property values.”

The effort has attracted wide support. Cleveland Heights Mayor Carol Roe, herself a Noble resident, called the effort “an innovative approach to building community spirit that comes at just the right moment of upswing in the Noble neighborhood.” Kay Carlson, president and chief executive officer of the Nature Center at Shaker Lakes, said, “We find the project’s combination of cutting-edge biology and creative community involvement promising and likely to have much wider application.”

Watch for more information as the project progresses.

Adventuring into the South

by Elsa Johnson

I recently took a driving trip to visit friends and family in the South – Clover, South Carolina; Savannah, Georgia; and DeLand, Florida (a little northeast of Orlando), with half of a day stop in St. Augustine (where we happened upon a Celtic Festival parade). Frankly – too much driving, but the stays in the actual places – lovely.

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A highlight was a daytrip on the St. John River, which I never even knew existed. It is 310 miles long, flows north to Jacksonville, with a drop of less than 30 feet over the length of its fall, so it is very lazy and winding, and links with many, many lakes and loops — a very watery environment that would be easy to get lost in. One part of the St. John River looks pretty much like another (hence, no pictures to entertain you) – but we saw all kinds of animal life: several species of herons, ospreys, kingfishers, egrets, yellow swallowtail butterflies, alligators (looking like someone threw out an old tire, lying there amid the foliage of vegetation), and manatees. Manatees! Hard to see in the black water unless they swam up close to the surface. We cut the motor way down and watched, and did see them, the big lumpen bodies with their spatula tails that make a characteristic pattern of ripple in the water as they move.

The other highlight was visiting the Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden in North Carolina (just over the S. Carolina line). This is a relatively new garden, dating to 1999, which I’ve visited before, in showier seasons. This time the main gardens weren’t much to look at, there wasn’t much in bloom – a Chinese Fringe Flower tree, hellebores, daffodils, a magnolia that had been burned by the cold – but I was charmed by the addition of a children’s garden, opportunely sited on a hillside that might actually wear active little bodies out. What a good idea! I also enjoyed the conservatory, which I had not visited previously.

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Sorry to report Bradford/Callery pear is growing everywhere, both in urban areas and in the wild, in Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. It is the street tree of downtown Clover (two blocks long – blink and you’ve missed it) – nobody loves it.

Worms in soil – good or bad? Canada Geese Conflict, Migratory Birds & More!

guest post by Toni Stahl, Habitat Ambassador Volunteer, Backyard Habitat

Leaf Litter for Migrants

Canada Geese have chased me. They came back from the edge of extinction, but are now flourishing because of the perfect habitat we have inadvertently created for them in many residential areas. We created man-made, open-water ponds surrounded by lawn. If you landscape the pond with native plants (scroll down here), many of the Geese should move to grassy, open-water ponds. The native plants will clean the water so no chemicals need to be added, as well as create a habitat for other native water creatures. Add barley straw to limit algae growth. Canada Geese can be aggressive toward people and nest too closely to people when people feed them. Educate others not to feed them.

This video shows the shocking difference between forest floors with and without invasive, non-native (European or Asian) earthworms. The worms decompose leaf litter and roots too quickly, actually eating the rooting zone out and removing the habitat for seeds, plants and small animals. You can learn to identify non-native worms from the Great Lakes Worm Watch.

No worms should be in glaciated areas (e.g. around the Great Lakes), but worms are slowly invading. The ones to be concerned about are those non-native (all of which are invasive) worms we can control. You can help save forests. Compost without non-native worms (e.g red wiggler from Europe). Discard non-native worms (even fishing or compost worms that appear dead) in the trash. Don’t take anything that could contain non-native worms or their eggs into wooded areas, including dirt off your shoes, livestock hooves, vehicle tires, ATVs, and earth moving and snow removal equipment. Make sure there are no non-native worms in any plants you give away, whether they came from a nursery or your yard.

Good news: Students and parks joined together to create a pathway for migratory birds to go through Broward County, Florida.

Tips for Your Yard

  • Organic Lawn Care: Apply Corn Gluten (between 3/15 and & 4/10 in the Midwest) as a pre-emergent broadleaf weed killer
  • Leave the leaf litter to help migratory birds, like the Fox Sparrow in my yard above, which doesn’t reside in my area
  • Wait until a plant starts to green before cutting it back. As one example, swallowtail butterflies overwinter as a chrysalis attached to the stem of a perennial. They have adapted to look like the plant, so they are almost impossible to see on a stem
  • Proper Tree Planting
  • In the northern part of the country, put up clean, bird nesting box(es) before mid-March
  • If you feed birds and want to deter Grackles, switch from Sunflower to Safflower seeds, which Grackles dislike and the other birds eat
  • Flocks of Grackles and other blackbirds are likely to visit your bird feeder only a few times a year (spring migration before breaking into territories and during fall migration)
  • If you feed birds in winter, natural food is not available (insects, seeds, berries) when weather first warms. March and April are the toughest times for birds so continue to feed them until insects are flying.
  • Pick up plastic sacks, trash and other debris and throw them into your trash to keep this dangerous debris from harming wildlife and from going directly into our streams and rivers, polluting our drinking water

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