Catherine Feldman is currently a co-chair of the Gracious Garden Tour of Shaker Heights. She has a history of organizing projects, although never before, a blog. Aspiring to beauty, health and peace, she has been transforming, and has been transformed by, her own garden for 27 years. She earned her Permaculture Design Certificate in 2010 and has degrees in English Literature, Social Work and Organizational Development.

Tom Gibson is a partner in Green Paradigm Partners, which offers regular courses in Home Permaculture Design and works with communities to integrate permaculture principles into their neighborhoods. He is a retired communications professional who earned his Permaculture Design Certificate in 2010 and whose speciality is community organizing.
Elsa Johnson has a masters degree in Landscape Architecture from Ohio State University. Her company, LandDesign Collaborative, has been designing gardens in Cleveland for 30 years. She is a partner in Green Paradigm Partners. The next few decades, she believes, will be transitional and it is very important to her to make a positive environmental contribution.
Ann McCulloh ‘s career in horticulture spans 25 years, 3 botanical gardens and too many delightful detours and side paths to list. She’s endlessly fascinated, enthralled and sustained by the world of plants and their relationships to the rest of the creatures on earth. The study of permaculture has added new dimension to this lifelong passion. She is available for consultation.
I actually have a question probably for Ann McCulloh. My yard is being overtaken by my neighbor’s trumpet vines. Is there any way to kill them?
for Tom: I noticed you are teaching a class on permaculture at the HoldenArb and wondered if you were including any information on biochar. I can make some available for you to include for your students if you are interested.
I have sold biochar and educated many curious people about biochar at the HoldenArb plant sale and at the Botanical Garden’s sustainability conference in the past.
thank you,
Hi Tom,
I saw your post on mushrooms and thought that you may be interested in an online mini course on mushrooms. It’s free. I realize that you have already taken some courses, but this could have some beneficial stuff too.
Chris Hanson
Growing Heights
Hi, I’m passing on information about the upcoming 2017 Cleveland Pollinator & Native Plant Symposium, which will be held Friday, September 22, 8-4:30pm at Cuyahoga Community College, Eastern Campus, in Highland Hills.
Your subscribers might be interested in attending this event, which is being sponsored by Tri-C and Ann Cicarella Landscape Design, and is now in its third year.
Here’s a link to more information, including the speakers and topics:
Best, Mary Ryan
Mary, If you write us an article with some photos we would be happy to post on our weekly blog.
Ann, I heard about you at Look. I am president of Fairmount Garden Club and wonder if you do any presentations at garden clubs. Thank you.