Monthly Archives: November 2015

Our Book Review Corner: “The Indestructible Houseplant,” by Tovah Martin


by Catherine Feldman

I just read Tovah Martin’s “The Indestructible Houseplant” and I am happy to announce that I have discovered a new outlet for my Plant Gluttony. She endorses full-green-immersion-indoors, and that sounds like a good goal to me!

I have always kept my houseplants to a minimum, because I like to leave my plants to do their thing without too much fussing on my part (Garden Sloth Method.) Most of my experiments with houseplants have not fared well due to that approach. Now, I have discovered (and I hope, you will, too) a host of houseplants that can take a fair amount of neglect, yet provide much pleasure to the eye and soul.  Winter is taking on a whole new cast! She encourages us and shows us how to have gardens, forests even, in the house. Inside could reflect the outside. Think of the beauty, clean air, and sense of relaxation! I can’t wait. Recommended.

Extra tip: Watch how she combines plants with containers. That’s the magic.

Fast Food Permaculture?

by Tom Gibson

A very busy, single career woman friend of mine is planning her permaculture garden. What, she asked me, could she plant that would be really easy to harvest and eat?

She’s a yogurt-for-breakfast kind of person, so my first thought was berries.  Raspberries are easy to harvest and freeze, and only require a bit of care in the early fall disposing of spent canes and trimming new ones to encourage multiple fruiting stems.


Red and black currants are others that require even less work and could be sweetened with honey to eat with that yogurt.

red currant image black currant

She also eats a lot of greens.  So I suggested Turkish rocket, a perennial that also requires minimal care.  In early June, its buds form broccolis that can be harvested multiple times, and its leaves are also good in stir fries. 

turkish rocket

A second would be lovage. (She reads this blog and liked the possibility of lovage in pasta. See link: 


Some easy-to-grow annuals would include swiss chard and kale. 

swiss chard

A quasi-ground cover for her sunny location would be yarrow, whose young feathery leaves are good in salads and whose flowers can, depending on the cultivar, bloom a variety of colors.

yarrow (1)

My co-editor Ann McCulloh suggests June-bearing strawberries, as well as peppermint, spearmint, lemon balm, violets (flowers and leaves), 

edible violet

and daylilies. The buds of the latter are excellent in stir fries.

day lilies 2

Then there are the perennial stand-bys, asparagus and rhubarb.  Once planted, they grow for 20+ years.



Walking onions are also a good one-to-one substitute for scallions, with the advantage that they come up first thing in the spring, even as the snow is melting, and are available to eat through November. In August, they form seed bulbs at their tops, lean over and plant themselves–thus the name “walking” onion. Once again, little or no care required and constant warm weather availability.

Egyptian Walking Onion sets - summer

Finally, no permaculture garden would be complete without at least one “dynamic accumulator” (or fertilizer plant) and one nitrogen fixer. For the former, I’d pick sterile Russian comfrey, the one non-edible in this group. It simply does too good a job of building soil to ignore–and is attractive. 


For the latter, I’d pick sea buckthorn, whose berries make a great, high-antioxidant juice. The plant is dioecious, which means that you must separately plant both one male and up to seven females  to get fruit.

sea buckthorn

How’s that, my friend? This would be a combination of fruits and vegetables that practically serve themselves!